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  • Nikki

Stitch Library

Useful stitches for Menditation and Mendspiration

If you have been following our posts about stitching for meditation, relaxation, and joy (also known as menditation), then you may be interested in our small library of stitches. These have been put together with some illustrations by the very talented Toni Catchpole. All of these stitches are great for beginners and intermediate sewers. They are easy to try out, and great for incorporating into your menditation projects. Give a new one a go - and let us know how you get on!

If you are right-handed, these stitches are most easily formed by working from right to left.  If you are left-handed, then you will probably stitch from left to right.

Running Stitch

Read how to sew a running stitch:

Whipped Running Stitch

Read how to sew a whipped running stitch:

Woven Running Stitch

Read how to sew a woven running stitch:

Woven Running Stitch Variation

Read how to sew a woven running stitch variation:

Aligned and Non-aligned Running Stitch

Aligned running stitch is created by making rows of stitches in which all the stitches align. Seen here on the right.

Non aligned running stitch is made up of rows of stitches which are not in line and resemble brickwork. Seen here on the left.

Back Stitch

Seed Stitch

Chain Stitch

Read how to sew a chain stitch:

Lazy Daisy Stitch

Read how to sew a lazy daisy stitch:

Fly Stitch

Read how to sew a fly stitch:

French Knots

Read how to sew a french knot:

Blanket Stitch

Read how to sew a blanket stitch:

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